Below you can browse our recently sold properties across Upstate South Carolina and North Carolina. This will give you an idea of the kind of properties we’re involved in selling through our brokerage service. You can view such information as the address, the status of the property, the county, the lot size, the price and the date sold.
View Sold Properties in South Carolina & North Carolina
421 found.

133 Acre Farm with House and Pasture
133.00 Acres
$ 2,892
This beautiful 133 acre farm is located near the scenic Tyger River in Union County South Carolina. This tract has everything! Nice pasture land fenced and ready for livestock. Mature...

376-Acre Recreational Tract in Chester County
376.00 Acres
$ 1,804
376 acre recreational/timberland tract located in southern Chester County. The property has 297 acres of planted pines ranging in age from six to 10 years. The remainder of the tract...

42 Acre Hunting Tract Near Sumter National Forest
42.00 acre(s) Acres
$ 2,380
Beautiful 42 acre wooded tract located in Union County South Carolina. This tract features hardwoods, creeks and income producing pines. Food plots for deer and turkey already established. Located near...

Small Farm/Home Located in Sparatanburg County
23.44 Acres
$ 250,000
23.44 acres located in southern Spartanburg County complete with 3BR, 2Bath county home with basement area. Property consists of open pasture, creek, hardwoods, and food plots. Loaded with deer and...

REDUCED!! 5.74 Acres With Pond In Inman
5.74 Acres
$ 60,500
REDUCED!! This 5.74 acre tract in the Inman community can be a beautiful setting for your homesite or your mini horse farm. It has access to a beautiful fishing pond,...

66 Acres Near Cross Anchor
66.20 Acres
$ 2,500
66.2 acres near Cross Anchor. Level tract with long road frontage and city water, mixed pines and hardwoods, good internal road system, many established food plots. Great hunting tract convenient...

52 Acre Recreational Tract South of Jonesville
52.00 Acres
$ 1,875
52 acre tract located off of Highway 9 south of the town of Jonesville in the Pea Ridge section of Union County. This tract features planted income producing pines along...

80 Acre Recreational Tract In Chester County
80.00 Acres
$ 2,250
80 acres of prime hunting land on Cornwell Road in Chester County. Property consists of mature hardwoods, stream and Coastal Bermuda hay fields. Approximately 36 acres of pine was harvested...

20.76 Acres On Knighton Chapel Road In Laurens
20.76 Acres
$ 143,244
Very nice 20.76 acre estate homesite in Laurens. The property would be an ideal tract for a small horse or cattle farm. The majority of the land is in pasture,...

375 Acre Union County Plantation
374.92 Acres
$ 1,333,000
[embed][/embed] CORPORATE RETREAT or HUNTING PRESERVE: This is an exceptional multi-use property with pristine grounds and superb improvements. A beautiful cedar gate and stone columns leads to a managed timber...

District 6 – 17.31 Acres With Pond
17.31 Acres
$ 112,515
Nice secluded 17.31 acres in the middle of Roebuck, South Carolina. Great location to build your dream home. Property has approximately a 2 acre pond ready for you to throw...

149.86 Acres Between Pauline & West Springs
149.86 Acres
$ 344,678
149 acres located in Southern Spartanburg County School District Six between Pauline and West Springs. Mostly wooded with mixed stands of hardwoods and pines. Internal road system, old homeplace could...