If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ll know that prices for lumber have gone up, to the point where new homes cost more because the wood to make them costs more nowadays. If you have a timberland property that you’re thinking of selling, now’s a good time to sell it! Metcalf Land Company can let interested buyers know your timberland property is for sale. Metcalf knows how to market timberland properties.
Factors that Affect Timberland Property Sales
What factors affect timberland property sales? Well, supply and demand matters, definitely. If there aren’t many properties for sale in an area, yet the demand is high, then it’s a great time to sell. Also, how much timber is on the land already? The more, the better, of course.
To help sell timberland, know what kind of timber you’ve got, including its quantity and quality. Also, figure out details about the property so you can tell potential buyers about things like access roads, the distance to the nearest mill, and soil condition(s). It’s a good idea to get a professional assessment by a professional forester. He or she can take stock of the timber on your property and then tell you what it’s worth in the current market. That definitely helps you come up with a ballpark figure of how much to ask for the property.
Finally, don’t just accept the first offer you get for your timberland property. It’s better to have multiple offers and choose the one that works best for you. Ideally, you can make a little more profit when you have several competitors chomping at the bit to own your valuable land!
Metcalf Land Company handles timberland property sales in South Carolina. Please call 864-585-0444 for more information or use the online contact form, here.