If you’re buying land, how much do you really know about that land? Sure, there’s the above ground part you can see with your own eyes, but what about what’s underneath? Perhaps you should have a perc test done.
An Overview of a Perc Test

What is a perc test (aka perk test or percolation test)? It’s a way to evaluate the soil measuring the rate at which water drains through it. People have this test done in order to get needed information pertaining to the design and installation of a septic system.
A perc test involves drilling or digging a hole in the ground, pouring water into it, and observing the rate at which water absorbs into the soil. It’s usually done by an official from the county health department with the owner of the property present and/or a licensed excavator. Keep in mind that the local health department determines (and enforces) the rules that govern when a property is suitable for a septic system. Therefore, you want to “pass the perc test” so you can have a septic system installed and used on your property.
The perc test can be simple and easy or complicated and take a while depending on a number of factors, including the property location, plans for the site, and the composition of the soil.
When buying land, you should have a perc test done because you or the next owner will probably want to build something on it. You need a successful perc test to get a septic permit which leads to a septic system so you can have a dwelling on the property thus increasing the property’s value!
Are you looking for land/property for sale in and around Spartanburg, South Carolina? Call Metcalf Land Company at 864-585-0444 for more information or check out this page.